This is a mural on Trader Joe's window of Judy's home town. This depicts downtown Fairfield Calif. and our bakery was located under the Fairfield sign on the left side.
At an outdoor cafe
Judy's sister Jennifer, brother Kerry and his wife Joyce
Nephew Sterling and Jennifer
Dinner with niece Victoria
The view from Joni and Nell's home
Our campsite at Joni and Nell's
Note Coffee Pot Rock in the background
Chapel of the Holy Cross, Sedona Arizona
Bell Rock
Arizona cactus
Arizona highway scenes.
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Sunset driving into Globe Arizona
We were able to have lunch and a wonderful visit with Susan's step-father, Adolfo. Then on across New Mexico to Sedona. This area also got a lot of rain and the wild flowers were in bloom.
The third day of reunion festivities at Loretto Academy
At Susan's 50th high school reunion.
As"blog" followers know part of this trip was devoted to Susan's 50th high school reunion in El Paso Texas. I won't bore you with names of all those pictured. There were about 55 classmates who attended out of 96 graduated. Sadly 10 of our number have passed on. It was a wonderful weekend of laughter, memories and a few tears. We all agreed not to wait 50 years more to gather again.